Punching and bending machine for copper and metal bars

EHRT is a leading manufacturer of punching and bending machines for bars. If you have needs for your punching and bending applications in the field of electrical cabinet construction, EHRT is the perfect partner for you.

Indeed, EHRT has largely contributed to solving the problems occurred by the international electronics industry and in particular in the construction of power electrical cabinets thanks to the bending spring back compensation process, originally designed by the founder of the company and which makes it possible to build machines that far exceed the objectives of users with regard to the bending accuracy of flat materials.

  • Automated andconnected, EHRT machines provide remote access for production monitoring and problem solving when needed
  • Intuitive and easy-to-useEHRT-specific nesting softwareallows better visibility of parts on the screen, reduces waste and quickly adds shortcuts for special and defined functions
  • Designed and configured to centralize and coordinate punching and bending information, EHRT machines are at the center of the production tool
  • EHRT-specific toolsspecifically designed for copper processing with high accuracy and reduced setup times
  • Extremely precise tools thanks to along shaft guideoffering a longer lifetime thanks also to a specific surface finishing and polishing specific to EHRT. Reduced tool changes thanks to the multi-tool
  • Anticipation of the next bar to be produced during the current operation
  • Felxible and versatile, EHRT machines offer many possibilities in terms of automation, such asgantry systems